Wool Compost for Tomatoes

Wool Compost for Tomatoes

GROW ORGANICALLY using our peat free & perfectly blended Wool Compost for Tomatoes to grow healthy, strong, tasty tomatoes without additional feed! Now with added Comfrey!

Bulk Buy Scheme

  • Quantity: 1+ bags  Price: £11.99
  • Quantity: 12+ bags  Price: £10.99
  • Quantity: 20+ bags  Price: £10.50
  • Quantity: 30+ bags  Price: £9.99
  • Quantity: 50+ bags  Price: £8.99

Product code: WCTOM

£11.99 each


This super strength compost is our best compost for growing organic, succulent, aromatic tomatoes throughout the year. Containing all the must-have nutrients this compost requires no additional tomato feed. Now with added Comfrey! – the organic gardeners best friend – a ‘dynamic accumulator’ packed with nutrients is added into the Wool Compost range. Comfrey's ‘Bocking 14’ variety has high levels of potassium, phosphorous & nitrogen for healthy plant growth, larger flowers & bigger crops. And like the rest of Dalefoot’s range, it has been approved by the Soil Association for organic growing. 

The sheep's wool gives natural water retention and also provides a slow release of nitrogen. The high level of potash in the bracken promotes flowering and fruiting. Plus it contains natural micro-nutrients for growing healthy and delicious produce. Benefits of Wool Compost:

Not suitable for seeds. Use Wool Compost for Seeds

Pot on seedlings into our Wool Compost for Potting

Pot on established plants into Wool Compost for Tomatoes

The Enduring Gardener recommends Dalefoot Tomato Compost

Pumpkin Beth's tomato trial

Packed in 30 litre bags. Available loose in bulk bags of 800 litres £225 / 1400 litres £365. Call 01931 713281 to inquire.

Delivery & Returns

How much does it cost for my order to be delivered?

Orders of 11 bags and less will be delivered by a courier using a Van. The standard delivery charge is £10 for 2 bags and £15 for 3 - 11 bags.

Orders of 12 bags plus will be delivered on a pallet by a courier using a Lorry. The standard delivery charge is £25 per pallet, for 12 - 70 bags or 1 bulk bag.

You can mix and match bagged composts - we will base the delivery price on total number of bags. There is a minimum order quantity of 2 bags.

Bulk bags will be delivered on a pallet by a courier using a Lorry. The standard delivery charge is £25 per pallet. Bulk bags can be ordered via our sales team on 01931 713281.

Find out more about delivery and returns

How to Use

Sow seeds in seed trays or small pots in Dalefoot Wool Compost for Seeds in early to mid-spring.
Seedlings will be ready to transplant when the ‘true’ leaves are formed.

Having chosen your method and growing position water your seedlings well the day before planting.

Growing tomatoes indoors:

Can be either in a greenhouse, polytunnel or sunny conservatory - wherever suits you best.
Plant seedlings in Wool Compost for Tomatoes as a grow bag (2 plants) or fill 20-30cm pots.
Grow bags require extra care as they quickly dry out so put an up-turned water bottle with its base cut off as a water reservoir into the top of the bag between the seedlings.
Water your tomatoes regularly, preferably in the evening, and consistently to keep the soil or compost moist – this will help avoid blossom end rot and fruits cracking.

Do not feed your tomatoes - Wool Compost for Tomatoes has all the feed your plants need to produce their crop through the season.

Growing tomatoes outdoors:

Harden seedlings off for 10-14 days before permanently planting outside.
Choose your warmest and sunniest outdoor position
Plant seedlings in Wool Compost for Tomatoes as a grow bag (2 plants) or fill 20-30cm pots or into a planting pit, raised beds or borders.

Water as for indoor tomatoes

REMEMBER - There is no need to feed your tomatoes - Just water! 



PANNIER PLANTING - looking to maximise growing space? Tomatoes can take up less space when grown through 15cm slits cut into each outward facing side of the bag of Wool Compost™ for Tomatoes – folded in half, straddled over a fence or rail ie. “pannier”. The strategically positioned air holes at either end of the bag enable excess water to drain whilst retaining a saturated reservoir for the tap root to access water. This will help reduce the risk of ‘blossom end rot’.

Bag pots - no need to buy extra pots! Simply shake the compost to the two ends of the bag and cut the bag across the middle. Create two freestanding open bags of compost - ‘bag pots’ into which you can plant your seedlings. The air holes towards the now bottom of the bag pot will enable excess water to drain whilst retaining a reservoir to prevent the tomatoes drying out.

NOTE: Always wear gloves when handling natural composts. Store in a cool dry place.

Our composts are made from nutrient rich natural products. They can leach causing staining. Be careful using on light surfaces.

Customer Comments

  • I am even more impressed than ever by your no feed tomato compost. How did you come up With such an amazing mixture?? First fruit picked 31 May. Grown in conservatory in the midlands. And that’s just one plant..


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© Barker and Bland Ltd t/a Dalefoot Composts 2014 - 2025. All rights reserved.
Barker and Bland is a limited company registered in England and Wales. Registered office: Dalefoot Farm, Heltondale, Nr Penrith, Cumbria, CA10 2QL. Registered number: 8312959

This project is supported by the Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE) for which Defra is the Managing Authority, part funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: Europe investing in rural areas.

Bulk Buy Scheme

The price of every item in our bulk buy scheme drops as you buy more.

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