Caption: Blueberry flowers
I love blueberries and hadn’t realised how easy it was to grow this “superfruit”.
Blueberry plants require an acidic soil and few people have the right soil conditions for them to thrive, however by putting them in containers anyone can achieve good results.
So last spring I bought just one self-fertilising plant – Vaccinium corymbosum ‘Goldtraube’ – and planted it in a pot with Wool Compost Ericaceous – and stood back. It initially put on some growth and then the pretty flowers appeared. By late July I was picking a few blueberries to put on my breakfast cereal every day. They do not appear to ripen all at once, so you just pick the ripe ones as you go. By Autumn the leaves had turned a glorious red colour – almost better than some ornamental plants and best of all it survived the hard winter here in the north without any mollycoddling. It just stood out on the path sheltered by a wall. I gave it a little prune in the early spring – and then re-potted it into a bigger pot with more Wool Compost Ericaceous and I am now watching the flowers turn into fruit.
Needless to say – I bought another plant this spring – just couldn’t resist the lure of those lovely fruit.